N. N.

  • office hours: 

    by arrangement

  • Hertzstraße 16
    Geb. 06.35
    76187 Karlsruhe

Currently Available Theses

Please visit the German homepage for up-to-date information.

Zu vergebende Arbeiten
Titel Typ Forschungsthema
High Speed Frame Generation: Bridging the Gap between Event Based and Frame Based Vision BA, MA, Hiwi Computer Vision, Event Based Vision, High-Speed Sensing
High Speed Frame Generation für Event Based Kameras BA, MA, Hiwi Computer Vision, Event Based Vision, High-Speed Sensing
Ev2Gray: Snap Photos with an Event Camera BA, MA Computer Vision, Event Based Vision, High-Speed Sensing
Ev2Gray: Mit Event Kameras Bilder knipsen BA, MA Computer Vision, Event Based Vision, High-Speed Sensing