Current BA and MA Theses

For current Bachelor and Master theses, please visit the German homepage.

Event Based Vision 
(betreut durch: Johannes Bassler)
Titel Typ Forschungsthema
High Speed Frame Generation: Bridging the Gap between Event Based and Frame Based Vision BA, MA Computer Vision, Event Based Vision, High-Speed Sensing
High Speed Frame Generation für Event Based Kameras BA, MA Computer Vision, Event Based Vision, High-Speed Sensing
Anytime Algorithmen für prädiktives Tracking BA, MA Machine Learning, Event Based Vision, High-Speed Sensing
Implementation and Development of SW-Components in EBV Hiwi Event Based Vision, High-Speed Sensing
Ev2Gray: Snap Photos with an Event Camera BA, MA Computer Vision, Event Based Vision, High-Speed Sensing
Anytime Algorithms for predictive Tracking BA, MA Machine Learning, Event Based Vision, High-Speed Sensing
Ev2Gray: Mit Event Kameras Bilder knipsen BA, MA Computer Vision, Event Based Vision, High-Speed Sensing
Machine Learning and Quantum Machine Learning 
(betreut durch: Hamza Gardi)
Titel Typ Forschungsthema
Zero-Shot Learning for Object Detection MA Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision & Image Processing
Exploring the Power and Potential of Grover's Algorithm in Quantum Computing MA Quantum Computing, Implementation of quantum algorithms, Comparison of algorithms
Unveiling the Power and Peril of Shor's Algorithm in Quantum Computing MA Quantum Computing, Implementation of quantum algorithms, Comparison of algorithms
Exploring Feature Combination Strategies in Convolutional Neural Networks for Enhanced Image Classification MA Machine Learning, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Computer Vision & Image Processing

Auf Anfrage interessante Themen im Bereich Machine Learning möglich.